Bio-wastewater treatment system

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Bio Wastewater Treatment.

The activated sludge process is the most commonly applied biological wastewater treatment technology. In this process, a bacterial biomass suspension (the activated sludge) is responsible for the removal of pollutants. Many activated sludge configurations have evolved over the years, and, depending on the design, an activated sludge WWTP can achieve removal of organic carbon substances and nutrients such as nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). In some biological wastewater treatment systems, biomass grows attached to a surface. These systems are broadly defined as biofilm systems, such as trickling filters, integrated fixed-film activated sludge systems, moving bed biofilm reactors, rotating biological reactors, and the like.

WWTP Models

When modeling an activated sludge process, the difference between the terms ‘activated sludge model’ and ‘WWTP model’ is to be emphasized. A typical activated sludge WWTP usually consists of a set of activated sludge tanks, sedimentation tank(s), various recycle flows, and an aeration system. Depending on the concentrations of dissolved oxygen and nitrate present in the tanks, aerobic (oxygen present), anoxic (nitrate present, no oxygen), or anaerobic (no oxygen, no nitrate) tanks can be distinguished. Figure 1 shows a typical activated sludge WWTP layout, neither considering the different pretreatment steps that normally precede the activated sludge tanks, nor the posttreatment processes and the sludge treatment that follow after the activated sludge tanks and the sedimentation tank. The term ‘WWTP model’ is used to indicate the ensemble of activated sludge model, hydraulic model, physical–chemical models (e.g., describing oxygen transfer), and sedimentation tank model needed to describe an actual WWTP. The term ‘activated sludge model’ refers to a set of differential equations – a mechanistic model model – that represent the biological (and in some cases also chemical) processes taking place in one activated sludge tank. Each compartment of such a WWTP model is described in more detail in the following sections.




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